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Colón Market

Colón Market

The places in the city that are not to be missed COLÓN MARKET Besides being admired for its original modern architecture, the Colón Market is a must-visit for foodies. Today, this former food market is an authentic gourmet venue with 20 establishments, including...

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City of Arts and Sciences

City of Arts and Sciences

The places in the city that are not to be missed CITY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES A huge architectural complex by the Valencian architect Santiago Calatravain the buildings that make it up: the Museu de les Ciències, the Palau de les Arts, the Hemisfèric and the...

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The Cathedral

The Cathedral

The places in the city that are not to be missed THE CATHEDRAL In the Romanesque, Baroque and Gothic styles, the Cathedral of Valencia is an impressive architectural gem which overlooks Plaza de la Virgen and Plaza de la Reina. The Holy Chalice used by Jesus during...

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